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Participation in design and development of satellite systems


requirementsElaboration of requirements for satellite systems design and development

  • elaboration of RFP for satellite systems design and development
  • elaboration of requirements for competition documentation
  • development of requirements for spacecraft payload specifications

Justification and selection  of basic parameters and performances for satellite systemsм

  • satellite systemsanalysis of trends in radiofrequency spectrum usage by the ITU notified stations in space and terrestrial radiocommunication services
  • definition of basic technical characteristics for a satellite system
  • examination of proposals for satellite system production by satellite vendors

Determination of electromagnetic compatibility conditions and elaboration of recommendations for configuration of satellite systems

  • satellite systems1development of radio-electronic environment model
  • determination of potential interference scenarios and methodology
  • development for estimating compatibility of space and terrestrial stations
  • estimation of electromagnetic compatibility of space and terrestrial stations
  • determination for mutual interference-free operation of space and terrestrial stations

Obtaining the domestic and international rights for usage of frequency spectrum and orbital slots

  • elaboration of notification materials for obtaining the permitting documents related to development and usage of radiofrequency resources by space and terrestrial stations in the Russian frequency management bodies
  • satellite systems1preparation of notification materials for notification and registration of frequency assignments to space and terrestrial stations in the ITU
  • elaboration of proposals for international legal protection of stations in space and terrestrial radiocommunication services and implementation of such proposals within operational frameworks of the International Telecommunication  Union (ITU), International Civil  Aviation Organization (ICAO), Radio Technical
      Commission for Aeronautical Services (RTCA), European Conference for Postal
      and Telecommunications Administrations (СЕРТ), Regional Communication
      Commonwealth (RСС
  • обеспечение выполнения процедур Регламента радиосвязи для поддержания частотных присвоений спутниковых сетей заявленных в МСЭ

Development and delivery of customized software for estimating the compatibility of satellite networks

Personnel consulting/training in satellite systems development and international legal support

Experts of our company participated in development and/or determination of the operation conditions of the following satellite systems:

Radionavigation and Earth remote sensing space systems

Communication and broadcasting satellite systems

Mobile satellite communication and rescue systems

  • GЕО-IК-2
  • Monitor
  • Comparus
  • DX-1
  • Perseus-М
  •  E-Star and other
  • KazSat
  • AOneSat
  • Luch
  • AMOS-5
  • Enisey and other
  • Cospas
  • Gonets
  • Selena
  • Sadko
  • Iridium
  • ConneXion By Boeing and other

Operations conducted by the Geyser-Telecom Ltd company comply with ISO 9001-2008 international requirements for management quality system

Contact information:
International Spectrum Regulation Department
phone: +7 (495) 784-63-77